
Thursday, December 12, 2019
8:30 AM - 4:35 PM

Cafe La Cave
 2777 Mannheim Road
Des Plaines, IL 60018

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Don't miss Barack Ferrazzano Compensation & Employment Group co-chair Andrew K. Strimaitis at the Illinois CPA Society's Employee Benefits Conference, a one-day event focusing on various basic and intermediate elements of the compensation and employment benefits industry. Incorporating auditing standard changes and regulatory changes to employee benefit plans along with providing strong governance is essential and can be overwhelming. Change is unavoidable and this conference provides attendees with the information they need to succeed.

The Current State of Retirement Plans
Thursday, December 12 | 10:25-11:15 AM
Andrew K. Strimaitis

Decipher the ins and outs of tax-qualified retirement plans. Learn about Rev. Proc. 2019-19 and the new self-correction options for tax-qualified retirement plan errors. Plus, hear how the Illinois Secure Choice Act is incentivizing retirement savings and discuss the proposed SECURE Act legislation, as well as other timely updates regarding qualified retirement plans.

For more information on attending this conference in-person or via simulcast, as well as how to register, visit: https://www.icpas.org/education/in-person-learning/conferences/employee-benefits-conference

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